Envisioning Magic with The Pretty Visitors

"An accidental guitar riff giving genesis to the turbulent blend that is Staircase."


An evangelical yet rebellious zeal. The inside of a hurricane. Blinding lights bouncing off the wall; casting dancing shadows. Seamless gravel paths merging together, and then swiftly diverging. To close your eyes and listen to “Staircase” is to conjure up such impressions.

The Pretty Visitors, a four-member Indie-rock band hailing from the South Coast of the UK, has designed a track whose soul lies in the vibrant Indie soundscape, while its body largely meanders away from it. They do so by incorporating eminent influences of punk, hip-hop, and the blues; all of which intertwine intricately to make the track what it is. The Pretty Visitors operate in the contemporary music scene; thus believing in modernizing each beat that makes up “Staircase”. 

Shot in the ambient and phosphorescent setting of the church, the group comes together and performs a track that is similar, yet so different from all of their previous music. Like all of their previous releases, this one too has a hooking melody and riffs that do an impeccable job of perpetually embedding the track into the listener’s head. At the same time, their experimentation with clean tones and effects is uncharacteristic, giving this track an edge. 

“Staircase” has an erratic and alluring quality to it, one that seems to erupt and rumble with every passing verse. While recalling the composition and brainstorming, the band members look back and collectively grin at the impulsiveness of it. “I was dabbling around with guitar riffs when Ruds (drummer) brought it to life by inserting a dynamic drumbeat of hip-hop. Soon enough, Connor stepped into practice the next day with a rugged hymn sheet of lyrics. Before we knew it, Sam (bassist) added his exclusive quirks to it and Staircase was suddenly more than structural,” recalls Aaron (guitarist). After seamless work and development, the live version sees the instruments animated and notched up, creating a stirring flurry of sounds. 

The lead vocals are emotive, fervent, and uncover themself like a slowly unwinding road.  The lyrics are belted out almost as if a chant or an anthem, ascending in intensity and eliciting pain. If there was a painting that were to describe what it feels to listen to this song, it would be “The Scream” by the Norwegian Expressionist Edvard Munch. What gives the band its essence is their vastly contrasting and rich musical tastes. This makes each sound raw, inspiring, and personal yet collective. The story of their meeting too, is quite significant. Having swapped CD’s and learning bits and pieces of instruments and tunes from the other, they consequently strengthened their bond and just organically started creating music. The need to create something brand new felt almost instinctual then, and so did the ability to complement each other’s styles so well. 

The Pretty Visitors are currently experimenting towards recording distinctive and eminent singles similar to their previous works. Post that, they are hoping to soon record a retrospective and sublime Extended Play that will document their musical journey. Their latest single ‘Western Skies’ is out now on all streaming platforms. Make sure to go check it out and experience the magic for yourself.


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Swara Shah
Swara Shah
Currently hopes studying Psychology could help her better understand this world, but also strongly believes that iced coffee is the answer to everything. Loves writing reflections about intersectional feminism and political dissent.