Armchair Arbiters

Juice: On Indian Dinners Where Families (Mistr)eat Together

Neeraj Ghaywan’s short film unflinchingly sheds light on everyday misogyny through an intimate, Indian family get-together.

Tamhane Against Time

The Disciple’s slow movement stands in contrast to its protagonist’s inner restlessness

Subaltern Histories and Regional Identity in ‘Southeast Asia in World History’

A review of Craig Lockard’s book ‘Southeast Asia In World history’

A Bestiary of Ugly Feelings

Rijneveld slips into pettier, liminal emotions, masterfully creating cross-sections of envy, guilt, and boredom in 'The Discomfort of Evening.'

The Endearing Tragedy of ‘Less’

A review of Andrew Sean Greer's Pulitzer Prize-winning book 'Less'

The Virtue of Humanity in ‘Wings of Desire’

A review of Wim Wenders' film 'Wings of Desire' (1987)