
"A shattered glass carcass piled up on the asphalt"



I lay down my hat to climb
the stacks of a high rise. And
with every step, fantasise its
collapse. The weight of the
floorboards giving way to
wrought iron, stripped bare
to the balls of my feet where
they clap. To break through the
chest of the next gypsum
ceiling. And count down my
bones like a pendulum clack. A
shattered glass carcass piled up
on the asphalt; grinding my
spine into cobblestone cracks.

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Creativity needs nurturing. ALMA is a veritable melting pot of expression and free thought, be it via the written word or visual mediums. Behind that is a small but passionate team of editors and illustrators working round the clock. Your contributions will help keep both our spirits and quality of work high! The magazine was conceived as an independent and ad-free publication funded by its readers.
T.N.V. Ray
T.N.V. Ray
Ray is a content writer from 9-5 and a poet, screenwriter and singer-songwriter after hours. Her Instagram page is dedicated to micro poetry; @tnv.ray.