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Pandemic Management Guidebook For Aspiring Fascists

“When hospitals beg for oxygen—say it’s already there (in the air). When people die—deny it.”

We Are One: Film Festivals and Pandemics

The transformation of film festivals in the shadow of a pandemic


A cartoon by Tanushka Beniwal.

Bubonic Plague

A cartoon by Tanushka Beniwal.

Chaos 2020

Artwork by Nikita Deshpande

The Fate of Western Classical Music

From pandemic-borne havoc to systemic problems the industry must overcome

10 Study Tips and Etiquettes For Your Next Zoom Class

“Sorry, my ex is spying on me, so the camera has to stay off, professor”.

Modern Day Mother Teresa? Woman Says Yes To Zoom Date With Persistent Tinder Match!

The anxiety-riddled moments of preparation that precede joining a video call with the prospective love of your life who says things like ‘in the new normal’

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